He was an Afghan Hound name Kabul. Since him I have had other Afghan Hounds.... Perhaps I am looking for his ghost. He is the only one that I sometimes think about. Often, if he comes in to my mind when I am working, it alters what I do. The nose on the face I am drawing gets longer and sharper. The hair of the woman I am sketching gets longer and fluffy, resting against her cheeks like his ears rested against his head. -Pablo Picasso
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Cookie Goes Acrylic
My camera ran out of juice today, so not one picture was taken. Instead here is a painting I did this weekend. Much easier to take a picture of a dog that paint one.
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Super Size Me"
If my dog Cookie got her everyday wish to be magicaly super-sized into a larger dog, Vincent would be the end product. Both Vincent and Cookie look similar and act similar. Although I never heard Vincent bark. Vincent managed to run in huge circles in a rectangle run area, never stopped moving. Great Spirit.
Happy Weekend!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Corona for Breakfast
Corona. Played some quick fetch -- Corona loved to chomp on the ball to make it squeak. Squeak squeak squeak over and over again. Simply loved the attention and treats. First time with this dog and I can conclude that this Corona es Especial.

As long as Alfie is around, he will make the posts.

As long as Alfie is around, he will make the posts.

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does. -Christopher Morley
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Iditarod 2009
Thinking there are some tired dogs out in Alaska. Today, the first sled dog team has crossed the finish line for the 2009 Iditarod. Lance Mackey has won for the third straight year and has turned into a mushing legend. The Iditarod covers 1,161 miles through the wonderful weather elements of Alaska. The Iditarod is amazing to me as my dog struggles to pee outside when it is below 30 degrees.
If we honor the first musher to cross the finish line, we must also honor the last. A red lantern is awarded to the last musher to finish. The longest time for a Red Lantern was 32 days, 15 hours, nine minutes and one second by John Schultz in 1973. Not sure what takes more guts - to finish first or to simply finish?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Buddha Dogs

Ike the hound. Ike should be on the show CSI -- he is a master sniffer and would be awesome at tracking the bad guy. Strange noises startled Ike and he was pretty timid overall. Sweet dog that needs patience and oh yes a crime scene to investigate.

Ginger the giant. Great dog that loved the walk. Ginger found out what frozen puddles are all about. And no I did not reward her with dirt treats, Ginger's tongue is really that color.

Alfie is still a pup. Now that Alfie is a bit older, he can go outside for his walks - yeah! So everything was fun and games when we were outside. A leaf that would blow across our path was pretty much the greatest thing for Alfie. And I never did realize how much litter there is until Alfie pointed it out by picking up each piece. I am beginning to fall for this pup.

Alfie is still a pup. Now that Alfie is a bit older, he can go outside for his walks - yeah! So everything was fun and games when we were outside. A leaf that would blow across our path was pretty much the greatest thing for Alfie. And I never did realize how much litter there is until Alfie pointed it out by picking up each piece. I am beginning to fall for this pup.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Although the exact circumstances of this case is unknown to me, I feel that I know enough to write a post. It is the principle of what happened rather than the exact details.
Violet, a puppy mill survivor dog, was brought into EBHS back in November. With time she shelled out into a happy, trusting dog. Violet was eventually adopted out to a seemingly sane new home until it was recently discovered that she had endured some severe abuse - robbed again. Thankfully, Violet was brought back into EBHS and is now being cared for by a loving responsible family.
Underneath all the feelings I have towards this situation, is confusion. Simple confusion. So if anyone is able explain to me why people act like they do, I would love to hear from you. At this point, my only answer is that abusers must wake up each morning, yawn, stretch, look themselves in the mirror while combing through their greasy hair and confidently say to themselves, "I am going to fuck shit up today. I am going to fuck shit up real good."
Until I have more of an explanation I can only hope. Hope that people will begin to learn more from their dogs rather than beat them down. Dogs have a lot to teach us. I promise.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
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