Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ruby Newton

Vibrant. Soulful. Imaginative. Spiritual. Amazing. There you have it - Ruby Newton Pet Masterpieces. Two entrepreneurial artists whose "humble goal is to make people smile". Each unique painting brings out a feeling from the perspective of YOUR dog or cat or whatever pet you may love.

When I first saw these paintings, the colors and angles drew me in. Many of the models were at one time cared for at EBHS. When speaking with one of the artists, Jennifer commented, "Do you recognize her? That's Georgia." Amazing - there was Georgia. To think, as these animals patiently waited for a family to meet them at EBHS, they were being beautifully portrayed on canvas.

Not only do I love these paintings for their unique artistry - but Ruby Newton artwork is truly affordable and part of the proceeds go directly to EBHS. Who can argue with that?

Disclaimer: I was in no way bribed to write this. I simply wish good for people who do good.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fresh Tracks

The white stuff has arrived. Happy day for some snow loving dogs.

Ace thought he was working the runway on our walk. All about just walking and looking good. Never stopped to sniff or never paused to listen to an unknown sound - kept the same speed the entire time. Ace was out for a walk and meant it.

Moxie loved to run in the snow and actually is quite a good jumper. Got some good air with the football I must say. For her strength, walked fantastically on the leash.

Mallory again in glory. I found a trail that led to a river. It was so pretty we decided to make some fresh tracks. This dog also LOVED the fresh white stuff - would just hop around and give herself face washes. I truly must say this dog is GREAT. Her high spirit is contagious.

Presenting Ace. We walked for a short bit outside until Ace wanted to head back in - he was freezing his ace off. After walking around inside, we found ourselves in the cat room for some time. Sweet sweet dog.

Alfie the pup. At 5 months, Alfie wasn't able to get outside, so I stepped inside his kennel area. This puppy is getting bigger each week. Which reminds me - why is this dog still here?

Acquiring a dog may be the only opportunity a human ever has to choose a relative.
-Mordecai Siegal

Friday, February 20, 2009

a good dog day

Today was a good day. Was able to leave work early and meet these dogs on a busy Friday. The sun was shining and it was all good.

Moxie. Loved to eat snow - so I let Moxie know there should be some fresh white stuff arriving as soon as tomorrow. She was pleased with the news. Walked Awesomely on the leash.

Kisses the dog. I say that because she is now acting like a dog. Playing, taking treats, waggin her tail, chasing tennis balls, yadda yadda yadda. This all took me by surprise and I am happy that Kisses is becoming herself.

Mallory in all her glory. This dog's coat has got it going on. Her tail is like a big sail. And her coat is tan in color near the roots. Difficult to describe. Much like a Beautiful, Soft, Large Guinea Pig.

Roo needs to be smoking a pipe with circle glasses like Sherlock Holmes as this dog is smart enough to solve mysteries. At 5 months, Roo showed me how she is able to sit patiently and shake.

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog - which may not be many. I appreciate the opportunity to meet these dogs every week. Until next time, keep on keepin on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


These are some dog signs I came across while looking around in To quote a big hair band, sign sign everywhere a sign. blocking out the scenery breaking my mind....
Well put Tesla, well put.

Peace People.

If a dog were your teacher

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride
When it's in your best interest: practice obedience
Stretch before rising
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass
On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree
Never pretend to be something you are not
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
- wise author unknown

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Action in the Sky

Beautiful day. Geese were flockin and we were walkin. Spotted a hawk, who also spotted us. Circled us for a bit and disappeared.

Moxie the Rottie. Sweet dog that was curious about everything. Headed off the road so Moxie could sniff around more.

Kisses finally came around to take a treat from me. Not sure if she was simply too stressed before to even think about it. Soft as a little lamb. I loved seeing her tail up today when we walked - a good sign of things to come.

Alfie the pup. Yup he is a puppy. Loved to tackle me with kisses. It's all about play time with this guy. Dropped my sunglasses and of course Alfie tried to bring them back to me -- that didn't go so well. When the treats were brought out, Alfie sat patiently like a Prince. Great temperament.

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tennis Ball Graveyard

Mix a little sun with some warm-ER temps and its time to harvest the tennis ball crop.

TEN-HUT! Attention please for Sarge the puppy. All you need to entertain Sarge is a shoe lace, pair of beat up pants and a leash to chase.

Rhylynn and her ears. Tiny pup with big ears. It would be like duct taping two satellite dishes on a five year old's head. And yes on our walk we did stop frequently to listen to the sounds on Enterprise Road. Very affectionate. LOVED to be held.

Benson. What a teddy bear. Benson is a dog that seems to be taken out of a children's book. Walked great on the leash - needs some mud flaps though. We would sprint at times. Benson is smart. Knew when it was time to slow down. One volunteer said he is Majestic. I will have to agree to that. Majestic indeed.

I did it again. Forgot a dog's name. For the sake of this post, I will name him Chug - he is a Chihuahua Pug mix of some sort. The name suits him though. On our walk he pulled like a train. chug-a-chug-a. Super HAPPY dog.

Belinda the beautiful. On our walk Belinda was always aware of where I was. In fact, in the beginning, she would not walk ahead of me. Towards the end though she became more comfortable to race ahead. When I would stop, Melinda would do some sort of army crawl towards me. Great dog - very friendly.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Big hearts pull together to ensure that these good dogs find loving homes. In the short time that I have been volunteering here, I have such more of an appreciation of what these people do day in and day out. These dogs are on their way thanks to the endless devotion of EBHS.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Embrasse le Chien

Kisses the Dog. She's a bit stressed out I feel. Needs hugs more than kisses. Didn't mind me brushing her super soft coat. Affectionate dog that is saving her kisses for another day.


Ugh! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some Iodine! -Lucy Van Pelt (Peanuts, 1965)